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Jul 21, 2022
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CloseThe amount of intimidating objections to a pro-life stance is immense: “What if the woman was raped?” “It’s just a clump of cells.” “They can’t even feel pain.” “My body, my choice!” How can Christians effectively defend a biblical position on abortion? Mark Spence dives in depth on this very topic, and will equip you to not only defend the lives of the innocent, but to also take the conversation where it matters most: straight to the gospel.
Scripture References: Genesis 1:26-31
Related Topics: Parenting, Persecution, Prayer | More Messages from Mark Spence | Download Audio
Matt Castro
Acts 16:25-34
Matt Shackelford
James 3:1-12
Matt Shackelford
James 3:1-12
Matt Shackelford
Matthew 28:19-20