Sundays at 9:00 & 11:00

Daily Bible




There’s an old saying that we 100% believe. Prayer is not the least we can do, it’s the most we can do. That’s why prayer is one of our 8 core values: Since our mission is not humanly possible, we embrace our utter dependence on the Holy Spirit through continual prayer.

On this page, we encourage you to submit your own prayer requests, and know that we have a prayer team who is praying over you. But we also encourage you to lift up the other prayer requests that you see here as well.

Additionally, you can click the button below to see a list of prayer requests that our pastors, elders, and staff have requested the Central family pray over.

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.

Allison Ricketts

Please pray for Hayden Smith. He is in ICU with Covid, has a hole in his lung, & has had to have a chest tube put in. He is on face mask ventilation right now b/c the BiPAP did not work. His young wife Ashley and 5 year old son also have Covid but are doing well. This is a young, newly married couple who were supposed to close on a new home this week. Also pray for her parents Sheila and Randall Smith as they are not able to be with their daughter Ashley due to Covid. Sheila is my office manager at work. Thank you for your prayers!!! We know God is the ultimate healer!

Received: August 8, 2021

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