Central Stories
Some people think Christians live 2,000 years in the past. But we worship a God who is alive and working in our lives today. These stories are a collection of what God is doing right here and right now.
“But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you…”
— 1 Peter 3:15
Pastor Reacts to WOKE Religion Videos on TikTok
In this video, we see a pastor react to some of the WOKE religion videos that have been shared on TikTok recently.
Josh Calvert’s Testimony
“I knew who Jesus was, I knew that he died on the cross for my sins. But I didn’t truly know Him. I didn’t grasp the weight of what I was saying.”
Saved in the Crosshairs
Steve thought his life was going great. Until his wife wanted a divorce. And then Steve discovered she was having an affair. After plotting to murder the man she was having an affair with, Steve’s life was forever changed.
A Marriage in Crisis
Looking at them now, you’d never realize how difficult Ted and Julia’s marriage was for many years. But thanks to God, not only has He saved their marriage but changed their lives as well.