
Sundays at 9:15 & 11:00

Backpack Giveaway

What is the Backpack Giveaway?


We believe every child deserves to have an amazing school year. Times are hard and we want to provide families with the supplies they need for their student to succeed. On July 28, 2024 we’re going out to Collierville and Memphis to provide backpacks filled with school supplies.


Want to help?

Download our list of needed school supplies, and then fill a backpack with the supplies you buy from the store! Drop off the backpack at Central Church and we’ll hand them out to families in need. You can also donate money and we’ll use the funds to order backpacks and other supplies for students in Collierville and Memphis.

Want to volunteer?

Central Church needs help handing out backpacks to families in Collierville and Memphis. If you’d like to help, please fill out this form.

Volunteer Form

You’re invited to Central Church!

Every Sunday, our church family gathers together to build each other, love one another, and worship God. If you’re looking for a family to belong to, we’d love to see you at Central!

Visit us at 2005 Winchester Blvd in Collierville. If you’d like to find out more about Central or have questions about how we can help you, give us a call at 901-888-4673 or email info@centralchurch.com.