Sundays at 9:00 & 11:00

Daily Bible


Launching a Legacy

Partner with us to renovate our Worship Center and meet the needs of our community for the Gospel.

Launching a Legacy

Partner with us to renovate our Worship Center and meet the needs of our community for the Gospel.

Launching a Legacy

Partner with us to renovate our Worship Center and meet the needs of our community for the Gospel.

Launching a Legacy

Partner with us to renovate our Worship Center and meet the needs of our community for the Gospel.

Partner With Us To Create a Legacy for Generations to Come.

Campaign Updates:

August 11 | The move-in date for the Worship Center is now tentatively scheduled for August 20. As always, we’ll let you know if anything changes.

August 3 |The goal is to be back in our Worship Center on August 13. While not all facets of the renovation will be completed, it should not hinder us from joining together in worship. If this date changes, we’ll make sure to update our website and send out announcements.

June 20 | The Worship Center will be closed for worship services until August. We will instead meet in the Fellowship Hall at 9:15 & 11:00 a.m. If this plan changes, we will make sure to update this page and our other communication portals.

June 16 | We are pleased to announce that Phase 1 has officially begun! The track around the worship center will be closed until further notice. Additionally, we will need to make alternate arrangements for our Sunday worship services for some of our services in July. Stay tuned for further details.

Thank you for your generosity in helping us bring the gospel to new generations.

Leaving a Legacy

Our current facilities were built in 2002, with the goal of building additional expansions to accommodate future growth. As a temporary measure, the area designed to be a basketball court and gymnasium was instead built as the church’s main Worship Center. We no longer believe a separate Worship Center is the right move, and would like to update the Worship Center into a true space for gathering and worship.

Currently, our facility has not been updated or adequately maintained over the past 20 years, and we are long overdue for several updates and upgrades. Therefore, the elders of Central proposed creating a Worship Center Renovation Task Force. The Worship Center Renovation Task Force has researched and proposed multiple updates for our Worship Center. Here are their recommendations:

Phase 1: Construction – This phase would include installing new carpet and chairs, building a wall around the track, adding additional acoustic treatment, painting our ceiling and walls, and renovating our stage to more modern standards. The cost of this phase is estimated at $600,000.

Phase 2: Technology – This phase includes updating our audio, lighting, and video systems. This will allow us to replace our aging equipment and meet the needs of today’s ministry. The cost of this phase is estimated to be $600,000.

Central Church's worship center under construction

How You Can Participate


Prayer is Central. Since our mission is not humanly possible, we embrace our utter dependence on the Holy Spirit through continual prayer. We want as many people as possible praying for all aspects of this initiative.

Make a Pledge

You can indicate your commitment to give above and beyond your regular giving to the Launching a Legacy campaign.

Give a One Time Gift

You can make a one-time donation to the Launching a Legacy Campaign. You can give online. Make sure to choose “Launching a Legacy” from the drop-down menu. Also, you can make a check payable to Central Church and write “Launching a Legacy” in the memo line.

A Word from Pastor Matt

Dear Central Family,

Over the past three years, I have seen God move in wonderful ways at Central Church. Our leadership has sought and fought for God’s will to be made known so we can reach the neighborhoods and the nations for Christ. We have renewed our commitment to being a Bible-yielded, gospel-driven church. We are fully staffed with gifted ministers of the gospel. By God’s grace, we have laid the foundation to launch into a new and exciting season of ministry. I want to thank you personally for your commitment through these labor-intensive years.

Since I have been here, I have seen our kids, students, and adult ministries growing in maturity and depth. So, I began to ask myself, “How else can we make Central a destination for the people of Collierville? How can we make this a place that invites our surrounding community to come and hear the good news of Jesus Christ?” In addition to investing in people, keeping our facilities clean, maintained, and up-to-date is one of the easiest ways to make Central a gospel-influencing church.

We’re calling this strategic campaign “Launching a Legacy.” Today, I invite you to help us expand our gospel reach by updating our sanctuary. Your contribution will allow us to create a space that expands our reach, increases our influence to the next generation, and provides a welcoming atmosphere of worship for generations to come. On behalf of Central Church, I want to thank you for your contribution and support.

May God return the blessing to you for supporting Central Church and partnering with us in our mission to multiply and mature disciples.

Grace and peace,
Pastor Matt Shackelford

Make a Donation Now


Much prayer, thought and discussion have gone into how we accomplish effective ministry in this current era. Central Church has become a new church through a lengthy time of self-evaluation and renewal. Our worship center and other facilities have likewise been put through a much prayed over and discussed process to make our facilities better serve ministry and worship. Thank you Central members for your faithful attendance and participation during this time of renewal.

Jim Lee


My wife and I were recently discussing how we enjoy having a home where we can invite people over. A home where guests feel comfortable. We prioritize our homes and fix what is broken, and I can’t help but think we should put the same care and attention into our church. This is the place where we worship and invite others to hear the gospel! The technology and renovations to our Worship Center will allow all ages to engage and enjoy our services, as we gather together to worship God.

Wood Stevens


To invest in the future of the church pays eternal dividends. As a grandmother and great-grandmother, I see how technology is changing the church and the world. Our Children’s and Students’ Ministries are affected most. The world is after their impressionable hearts and minds to sway them from making the most important decision of their life. Sadly, today’s climate is in direct opposition to Christianity. Central’s audio/visual technology is where it’s more prudent to replace than piecemeal or repair. Since our worship center is a multi-use area, updating functionally and aesthetically is also needed to meet the needs of future generations. “May all who come behind us find us faithful.”

Carol Wilemon

Central Member

Our vision 20 years ago was for the sanctuary to be a gym.

Our new vision is to transform our place of worship into a warm, beautiful, and comfortable place to hear God’s word. We want the area to represent God’s beauty, to be inviting to visitors and a place that feels like home to our members!

Bridgett Newman

Central Member

Funds Needed

Total Funds Pledged

Funds Raised

Central Church logo



Campaign PDF

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