We have podcasts, Youtube channels, and other content to help you grow in your knowledge of the Bible and keep up-to-date with Central Church.
Video Channels
Sunday Sermons
Subscribe to the Central Church Sermons Youtube to keep up-to-date with our latest sermons from Pastor Matt and our other pastors. You can also visit our Sermons page to search by category, speaker, and book of the bible. Additionally, you can download notes for each sermon.
Moment of Truth
Moment of Truth is Pastor Matt Shackelford’s personal ministry channel.
Sermon Podcast
Subscribe to the Central Church Sermons podcast to keep up-to-date with our latest sermons from Pastor Matt and our other pastors.
Our Kids and Family Pastor, Justin Halverson, dives into what it means to disciple our children. You can subscribe to this podcast on all major podcast providers. To get the most out of each episode, make sure to download a copy of each episode’s notes.
A Pastor and His Newspaper
Pastor Matt Castro looks at current world affairs and offers a pastoral response. For those who love politics, the news, and international affairs.
Additional Resources – Anchored North
Anchored North
Central Church has partnered with Anchored North to produce captivating, honest, and shareable videos that explore mankind’s greatest need: redemption through Jesus.
Testimonies & Stories
Sermon Clips
Revival Is The Recurrence Of Life
This Is What We Should Look For In Revival
The Cross Was A Great Exchange
We All Have The Ability To Serve
The Division Has Been Taken Away Through Jesus Christ
The myCentralChurch App
The myCentralChurch app is your one-stop show to all things Central Church. Watch our latest sermons, check out and save sermon notes, see our latest events, and give all in one place. Available for the App Store and Google Play.
App Store
Google Play