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Video Channels

Sunday Sermons

Subscribe to the Central Church Sermons Youtube to keep up-to-date with our latest sermons from Pastor Matt and our other pastors. You can also visit our Sermons page to search by category, speaker, and book of the bible. Additionally, you can download notes for each sermon.

Moment of Truth

Moment of Truth is Pastor Matt Shackelford’s personal ministry channel.


Sermon Podcast

Subscribe to the Central Church Sermons podcast to keep up-to-date with our latest sermons from Pastor Matt and our other pastors.


Our Kids and Family Pastor, Justin Halverson, dives into what it means to disciple our children. You can subscribe to this podcast on all major podcast providers. To get the most out of each episode, make sure to download a copy of each episode’s notes.

A Pastor and His Newspaper

Pastor Matt Castro looks at current world affairs and offers a pastoral response. For those who love politics, the news, and international affairs. 

Additional Resources – Anchored North

Anchored North

Central Church has partnered with Anchored North to produce captivating, honest, and shareable videos that explore mankind’s greatest need: redemption through Jesus.

Testimonies & Stories

Gay to Christian Testimony - Homosexuality Was My Identity

Becket spent over 25 years pursuing the desires we all desperately want as human beings: relationships, love, intimacy, support, and affirmation. Undeniably, these desires had a unique grip on his heart that was incomparable to any other desire. They carried with them emotions that vastly impacted his will, intentions, and actions and became a unique part of his identity.The problem with this is that he was not created to have an identity rooted in sexual orientation or human relationships. No one is. We were created to have an identity rooted in God. If that's off, all of our desires are off and we find ourselves chasing things that we were never supposed to pursue. Homosexual relationships are one of those things. It stands contrary to God's moral will for mankind. But we don't have to stand as enemies of God. Through Jesus Christ, there is hope for new life. There is hope for salvation. 

Becket's story portrays this truth with such kindness and from an intimate understanding of your life experiences, thoughts, and desires. May you see his love for you, God's love for you, as you watch it.

IS IT OKAY TO BE GAY AND A CHRISTIAN? Sign up to watch this bonus interview here: 

Regardless of what you have done in your life, redemption is provided to you through Jesus Christ. Just like Becket, even if you have found your identity in worthless things, God died for you. He can make you a new creation and save you from a terrible fate if you call out to Him. If you are broken over your sin, call out to God in repentance and faith in Jesus Christ that He will redeem you.

For more information about receiving Christ's redemption in your life, visit

Buy Becket's book, A Change of Affection: A Gay Man's Incredible Story of Redemption

Gay to Christian Testimony - Homosexuality Was My Identity

Becket spent over 25 years pursuing the desires we all desperately want as human beings: relationships, love, intimacy, support, and affirmation. Undeniably, these desires had a unique grip on his heart that was incomparable to any other desire. They carried with them emotions that vastly impacted his will, intentions, and actions and became a unique part of his identity.The problem with this is that he was not created to have an identity rooted in sexual orientation or human relationships. No one is. We were created to have an identity rooted in God. If that's off, all of our desires are off and we find ourselves chasing things that we were never supposed to pursue. Homosexual relationships are one of those things. It stands contrary to God's moral will for mankind. But we don't have to stand as enemies of God. Through Jesus Christ, there is hope for new life. There is hope for salvation.

Becket's story portrays this truth with such kindness and from an intimate understanding of your life experiences, thoughts, and desires. May you see his love for you, God's love for you, as you watch it.

IS IT OKAY TO BE GAY AND A CHRISTIAN? Sign up to watch this bonus interview here:

Regardless of what you have done in your life, redemption is provided to you through Jesus Christ. Just like Becket, even if you have found your identity in worthless things, God died for you. He can make you a new creation and save you from a terrible fate if you call out to Him. If you are broken over your sin, call out to God in repentance and faith in Jesus Christ that He will redeem you.

For more information about receiving Christ's redemption in your life, visit

Buy Becket's book, A Change of Affection: A Gay Man's Incredible Story of Redemption

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Homosexuality Was My Identity

Anchored North December 28, 2016 8:56 pm

Sermon Clips

Get a bite-sized dose of inspiration form God’s Word.

Revival Is The Recurrence Of Life

Moment of Truth April 22, 2023 10:00 am

This Is What We Should Look For In Revival

Moment of Truth April 26, 2023 9:00 am

The Cross Was A Great Exchange

Moment of Truth April 29, 2023 9:00 am

We All Have The Ability To Serve

Moment of Truth May 1, 2023 9:00 am

The Division Has Been Taken Away Through Jesus Christ

Moment of Truth May 3, 2023 9:00 am

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