
Sundays at 9:00 & 11:00

Daily Bible


Central Women

Meeting times:
  • Regular weekly meetings (contact Central Women for more info)
Contact Central Women

Partnering with women to multiply and mature disciples.

Ellen Olford

Ellen Olford

Director of Women's Ministry

I have served at Central Church for over 30 years, and I am thrilled to serve the women of Central. Currently, I oversee the Parent’s Day Out Program, Women’s Ministry, and Guest Connections. I have a masters in Biblical Counseling and a love of evangelism. I am married to David Olford, and have two beautiful daughters, Stephanie and Lindsay.

About Women’s Ministry

  • Central Women provides opportunities for you to find more than just friendly people. We help you find authentic friendships that help you be more like Christ.

  • Our mission is to lead and empower all women to discover their highest spiritual calling by studying the Bible together, connecting with other women, building strong authentic relationships, experiencing Biblical accountability in small group settings, and serving the world inside and outside the church.

  • Central Women has multiple Bible studies, groups, and classes for all stages of life. Check out our classes page or our groups page to read more.

Join a Women’s Shepherd Group

Shepherd Groups are groups of women who meet regularly to check in on each other, dig deeper into God’s word, and build up each other up.

Young Adult Ministry

Women’s Bible Studies and Groups


We have a variety of women’s studies throughout the year. New classes begin in January and August, and we offer classes during the day and at night, as well as childcare.

We also have groups for Moms such as Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) and Mom2Mom.

Whether you’re looking for a place to belong or have a desire to understand God’s Word better, there’s a class for you.

Faith and Fitness


Every week, we have fitness classes for women of all ages! Check out our Facebook group for details on classes and to be encouraged by other women in their journey to spiritual and physical health!

Young Adult Ministry

Upcoming Events

Women’s Ministry Team

Carol Anderson

Carol Anderson

Women’s Ministry Administrative Assistant

Rosa Creed

Rosa Creed

Women’s Ministry Coordinator