Meet Our Team
Pastoral Team

Dr. Matt Shackelford
Lead Teaching Pastor
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In November 2019, Pastor Matt became the Lead Teaching Pastor of Central Church. After the Covid-19 reset, Central Church emerged with a new leadership, vision, and passion to multiply and mature disciples for Jesus Christ.
Pastor Matt’s personal goal for ministry is to glorify God by shepherding the flock of God and preaching Christ-centered expositional messages that bring glory to God and joy to God’s people.
Pastor Matt is married to Ashley, and together they have four children: Caleb, Selah, Phoebe, and Lydia. They enjoy hiking, movies, college football, and bonfires. Pastor Matt especially loves a game of “Settlers of Catan” with his wife and kids. Unfortunately, they have become shrewd and ruthless traders, who enjoy joining forces to defeat him.
Matt has also earned theological degrees from Dallas Theological Seminary (Th.M.), Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (Th.M.), The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (D.Min.), and he is finishing a Ph.D in Expository Preaching from Midwestern Baptist Theological.
Stay up-to-date with Pastor Matt at If you’d like to inquire about a speaking engagement or meeting with Pastor Matt, please use the form below.
Click here to learn more about Pastor Matt.

Todd Parr
Executive Pastor of Ministries
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I am married to Amber and have two adult children, Zoe and Zane. I’ve served in ministry since 1994 and as an Executive Pastor since 2008. Since Texas is home, the Longhorns are my team of choice.

Justin Halverson
Pastor of Children and Families
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I was born and raised in Southern California. I originally went to school to teach High school math and science, but God had other plans. God gave me a heart for the church and teaching God’s Word to His people. After graduating from Talbot Seminary, I was a youth pastor for 7 years in California and then in Colorado. I am married to my best friend, Chloe, and together we have 1 daughter, Blakely. Chloe and I love board games and enjoying life with family and friends.

Dr. Matthew Castro
Pastor of Adult Ministries
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I am married to Lisa Castro. We have three children, Maggie (8), Lincoln (6), Teddy (2). I was born and raised in Memphis, TN. I am a graduate of Collierville High School, Class of 2002 and the University of Tennessee and the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. I love all things British. I enjoy a good cup of coffee, a good book, and a beautiful autumn day. My family and I snow ski, disc golf, and cheer for the Vols on Saturdays.

Greg Sukert
Pastor of Evangelism and Equipping
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I am so thankful to God for my salvation, my cherished wife, and the privilege to steward the gospel.
I am the co-founder of Anchored North, an evangelistic ministry reaching millions with captivating, honest, and shareable videos that explore humanity’s greatest need: redemption through Jesus. In addition to Anchored North, I serve as the Pastor of Evangelism and Equipping at Central Church. I recently graduated in May, 2024 with my Master of Divinity in Evangelism and Missions at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
I also run an Instagram account dedicated to guinea pigs. Check it out at @lovetheguinea.

Tim Clay
Chief Operations Officer
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I joined the staff at Central in 1996. In 2020, I was pleased to take on the role of Church Administrator where I serve by partnering with Pastor Matt and the Elders to ensure the day to day operations of the church are running smoothly. I graduated from Crichton College and majored in Biblical Studies. When I’m not at the church you will find me spending time with my wife Allison and daughter Zoey.
Active Elders
Below is a list of our active Elders. Please use the form below if you would like to contact the Elders of Central.
Additionally, our elders publish minutes from their meetings for Central members to read. If you have any questions about the minutes, please contact the elder board.
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What is an elder?
These leaders are known by three titles all seen in 1 Peter 5:1-2, each of which reveals a separate aspect of their function. They are first called “elders,” indicating they are to be godly leaders whose wisdom and maturity are respected by God’s people. They are also called “overseers,” indicating their responsibility for the oversight of the church’s resources and the guardian of its people. They are also called “shepherds,” which is also translated as “pastors,” indicating their role of caring for and leading the church.
We see that within the New Testament model of church organization, authority for leadership is not granted to just one individual pastor, nor is it given as democratic rule by the congregation. Instead, the Scripture states that authority for leadership is conducted by a plurality of leaders who are appointed by the church and accountable to God. Some of these elders fill church vocational roles, and are therefore commonly referred to by the title of “pastor.” Other elders fill non-vocational roles, and are therefore commonly referred to by the title of “elder.”
What are the biblical qualifications of an elder?
All elders and pastors shall be selected and held accountable to the standards of 1 Timothy 3:1-13, Titus 1:5-9, Acts 20:27-32, and 1 Peter 5:1-3. All elders and pastors shall be in full accord with Central Church’s Constitution, Confession of Faith, and policies, as well as Central Church’s current Mission, Core Values, and Vision. Pastors additionally shall qualify for their positions according to giftedness and experience in the ministry position to be filled.
How are the elders structured?
The elders of Central consist of two groups: the Council of Elders and the Elder Board.
The Council of Elders consists of all elders of the church. The Elder Board consists of between seven to twelve elders from the council, the Lead Teaching Pastor, and the Executive Pastor.
What does an elder do at Central?
Generally speaking, the elders are given both the responsibility and authority to skillfully and lovingly lead the church, to teach church members through the accurate and insightful reading of the Bible, to care for church members through prayer and ministry, and to protect the church from harmful influences and beliefs.
The Council of Elders is the shepherding ministry of the church (1 Peter 5:1-4). The main role of the council is to promote the spiritual interests and unity of the church (Acts 6:1-6; Ephesians 4:1-3; 1 Peter 5:1-4). In addition, they select new elders to join the Council, select elders from the council to serve on the Elder Board, and they advise and support the Elder Board.
The Elder Board, in addition to their responsibilities as members of the Council of Elders, is ultimately responsible for the “oversight” of the church’s ministries and resources as prescribed in the New Testament (Acts 20:28; 1 Peter 5:2). In particular, they are responsible for ensuring proper doctrine is taught in the church and enacting church discipline when necessary. Other responsibility include: to receive new members into the church; to ordain and install pastors, elders, and deacons; to oversee the service of the deacons; to oversee the Christian education of all age groups in the church; to approve offerings for special uses and church purposes; and to oversee the public worship of God.
Do you have deacons?
Acts 6:2 – “And the twelve summoned the full number of the disciples and said, “It is not right that we should give up preaching the word of God to serve tables…”
In January 2023, our church body unanimously voted to include deacons as one of the offices of the church. However, we do not believe that deacons hold a leadership role in the church; they exist to meet the needs of the church body. By being the hands and feet of Jesus, deacons can take care of the physical needs of our facilities and our people.
Visit our Serve page to see how you can serve and to see a list of our active deacons.
Do you have any formal governance documents?
This link will download a copy of our most recent version of Central’s constitution. The constitution lays out how our elders function, the criteria for being an elder, and other governance of the church.

Dr. Matt Shackelford

Todd Parr

Tim Clay

Kevin Buchanan

Jonathan Burk

Mike Ebbs

Dick Jacob

Jim Lee

Kelly McElrath

Dennis Rutledge

Steve Strong

Rich Ugarte

Mark Whitby
Family Ministry

Justin Halverson
Pastor of Children & Families

Suzanne Sizemore
Early Childhood Coordinator
Young Adult Ministry

Michael Caserta
Adult Ministries

Dr. Matthew Castro
Pastor of Groups and Missions

Ellen Olford
Director of Women’s and City Ministries

Greg Sukert
Pastor of Evangelism and Equipping

Gus Schroeder
Director of Congregational Care

Dr. Jim Allman
Theology and Bible Teacher

Carol Anderson
Women’s Ministry Administrative Assistant

Rosa Creed
Women’s Ministry Coordinator

Alicia Miehe
Senior Adults Administrative Assistant
Worship Arts

Michael Caserta
Director of Worship Ministries

Dan Johnson
Technical Director
Administration & Finance

Tim Clay
Chief Operations Officer

Rusty Artz
Accounting Manager

Martha Jennings
Payroll Administrator

Jennifer Summerall
Accounting Assistant

Sarah Burgess
Executive Administrator

Sean Stark
Communications Director

Doris Donald
Executive Team Administrative Assistant

Bubba Beloate
Events and Custodial Manager

Lourie Staton
Reception Desk Supervisor

Kyle Kunstman
Resident Chef
Central Ministries

Deborah Pafford
Central Learning Center Director

Kevin Gordon
Central Learning Center Assistant Director

Teresa Morrison
Central Learning Center Business Administrator

Carlene Boldizar
Crosswalk Bookstore Manager

Lisa Strasko
Collierville Classical Director

Rena Vest
Collierville Classical Administrator