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Welcome to Central Church!
A note from Pastor Matt:
Welcome to Central! I’m so glad you want to learn more about our church family.
We meet every Sunday at 9:00 & 11:00 a.m. Services are casual, meaning you’ll see everything from suits and ties to t-shirts and jeans. In our worship music we use modern praise bands, acoustic sets, and choirs.
However, the one thing that’s always the same is our commitment to preaching directly from the Bible. Every Sunday, you can expect to hear gospel truths proclaimed as we preach verse-by-verse. We believe that healthy churches center their community around God’s Word.
On this page, you can find out more about our mission and vision. If you’d like to know more about our beliefs, visit the What We Believe page. I also hope you’ll take a few moments to check out the Plan Your Visit page and let us know you’re coming. I’d love to worship with you this Sunday.
– Pastor Matt Shackelford
Enjoy Community Around God's Word
Elders & Pastors
We are led by elders & pastors. Some of these elders fill church vocational roles, and are therefore commonly referred to by the title of “pastor.” Other elders fill non-vocational roles, and are therefore commonly referred to by the title of “elder.” We see that within the New Testament, authority for leadership is not granted to just one individual pastor. Instead, the Scripture states that authority for leadership is conducted by a plurality of leaders who are appointed by the church and accountable to God.
To hear our pastor’s heartbeat for the church, watch this video.
To learn more about our leadership and see our staff, visit the Meet Our Team page.
Our Mission & Values
Our Mission
Central Church exists to glorify God by multiplying and maturing disciples of Jesus Christ.
Our Vision
We envision a Church fully-engaged in our mission to multiply and mature disciples. A Church that believes our mission is too important to be distracted. We will be so focused on the mission that we quickly drop grudges, reconcile relationships, and show grace to one another. Keywords that capture our vision are Preaching, Reaching, and Training.
Our Core Values
We have 8 core values that define us as a church. In everything we do, we will incorporate our values to ensure we are always accomplishing our mission.
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The Bible is Central
No matter what, we passionately cling to God’s Word as the first and final basis for everything we do.
The Gospel is Central
Without shame, we unceasingly proclaim salvation through repentance and faith in Christ alone.
A High View of God is Central
It’s not about us; we point to God who is the greatest treasure and pleasure.
Prayer is Central
Since our mission is not humanly possible, we embrace our utter dependence on the Holy Spirit through continual prayer.
Serving is Central
Jesus came to serve; therefore, His love compels us to be spiritual contributors, not mere consumers.
Unity is Central
We refuse to be divided by conflict; we are an intergenerational community of peacemakers who strive to love, honor, and forgive one another.
The Great Commission is Central
We are relentless to take the gospel from the neighborhoods to the nations.
Biblical Leadership is Central
The world tells us to take charge, but we joyfully submit to the authority of Christ and humbly follow sacrificial elder and pastoral leadership.