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Jul 21, 2022
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CloseMany professing believers sing like angels on Sunday, but live like devils on Monday. As oppose to being true disciples of Jesus Christ, these “cultural Christians” merely have a veneer of religion. In this sermon, Pastor Matt Shackleford dives into Luke 6:43-49 to show us how we can know beyond shadow of a doubt if we are saved.
Scripture References: Luke 6:43-45
From Series: Come And Take It | More Messages from Matt Shackelford | Download Audio
Matt Shackelford
Luke 4:14-15
Matt Shackelford
Luke 4:16-21
Matt Shackelford
Luke 4:22-30
Matt Shackelford
Luke 4:31-37
Matt Shackelford
Luke 4:38-44
Matt Shackelford
Matthew 28:18-20